Retreats & Virtual Classes
Why I dance...
I'm a wife, mother, and entrepreneur... But I always struggled on who I was as a woman. I didn't own a dress or heels or makeup. I believed that feminine meant weak and lesser. Even after I lost 100 pounds, I still felt wrong in my body.
Feminine movement was my invitation to my body being beautiful now. In this practice, I revealed a forgotten part of me that I had beaten down, shamed, and hidden.
When I let her out, when I gave her the rightful place in me; everything healed. Myself, my relationships, my work...
And it was just fun!
I became a licensed S Factor teacher and now offer retreats, virtual programs, and coaching support to anyone called to my work.
I am a stand for the feminine energy becoming a healthy, integrated force in every human.

...now consider how you resonate with the disembodied feminine...
I'm either suffocating or ignoring my emotions.
I am hurting myself and others because I'm too much or just numb.
I'm not feminine, sexy, or desired. My body is not right.
I can't hold joy in my heart. These moments feel hollow and fleeting.
My body is not a safe space. There is no peace.
The feminine is weaker; the victim. I must be more masculine to succeed.

But what if...
I am stronger than any emotion and there is nothing to control.
My feminine bliss is the opening to erotic desire that excites me.
Love and joy are an abundant flood that already exist in me.
In my exquisite feminine power, I call the masculine to rise in harmony.
The only true peace is in complete union with my body and her wisdom.
...freedom is possible for anyone who dares to reach for it...
...feminine movement is a unique experience to you. It is designed to meet you and serve you, as you are, right now.
There is no physical limitation that can stop you from feeling alive in your body. The only limit is your willingness to open, let go, and expand.
for those who have ventured before you, the reward is infinite...
...do you dare to claim your bliss?

Client Love
Move theBody
Body Work - slow, yoga-like movement designed for every fitness level.
Experiences - Music Tasting, Moving Meditation and embodiment practices.
Erotic Movement - moves, routines, strips, lap dances and more.

Blissful Life
1:1 coaching session with Teresa
Private Facebook group access and support
Daily Bliss Practice - take bliss home

Open the Mind
Class topics may vary but all support the remembering and awakening of the divine feminine. Some topics are…
The True Feminine Superpower
S Factor 10 Erotic Creature Icons
Embodied Feminist

Retreats are full days by design. The work will fatigue “the mind” and allow your body’s wisdom to rise. It is a combination of movement and course work with a loving group of women on the same journey.
It's time to check with your heart. Is she ready now?
Or would she like to talk about it?
San Francisco Bay Area

Waitlist is Open,
Be the first to know dates, locations, and application details​

…after all the fun of the work is done, you take with you…
The knowing deep in your body of how to find your pleasure in movement.
The tools to bring more peace, joy and love into every moment.
An awakening to the beauty of the feminine that transcends the physical.
Your place in a unique sisterhood of embodied souls.